
Factsheet: Palm leaf in food packaging

Palm leaves

Palm leaf is gaining popularity as an alternative material in food packaging. But what exactly is it, and how can it benefit your food packaging needs? Your questions answered.


Did you know there are now more than 400 different certifications in sustainability, each with a different meaning?

World Soil Day: Composting for soil health

Soil health matters to us at Verive because we care about sustainable waste management, climate change, and circularity. That’s why this year, for World Soil Day, we want to celebrate composting and its role in reducing waste and promoting soil health.

Why we don't use the term "biodegradable"

Many brands claim their products are ‘biodegradable’ – but what does that really mean? Here’s why it may not be the one-size fits-all solution we are told it is, and the information we share instead.
